Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Journal #9

Write a pastiche of Hurston by duplicating a theme that she uses and three stylistic elements. Use these elements with your own characters, setting, and conflict. After you finish your pastiche clarify what theme and techniques you used and how they were used in a way that mirrors Hurston's own use of them.

       Tradition was an interesting concept. That is, if you can call it Tradition. This ambiguous beast had traveled in and out of his thoughts, making him question the real intent of the creature. He hated calling it Tradition, but he knew of nothing else to call it. He fidgeted through the ceremony celebrating the 20th anniversary of his grandfather's death. The priest talked about the boy's grandfather's achievements; he had been the first man to develop a source of never-ending light. The boy had heard this story many times. The only part he listened to was when the priest spoke about how his grandfather had an unfortunate accident while working with electric parts, resulting in death by electrocution. However, even that story was becoming dull. He had more important thoughts racing through his mind.
       "I'm sorry to bother you Master Adams but we need to discuss the future of Traditions Inc.," whispered Fernando, the vice president of Traditions Inc.
       "Fernando, I have just experienced two major losses to my family. Can't this issue just wait for a minute?" asked Victor.
       "I wish we could Master Adams, but with the unfortunate passing of your father and your grandfather, you are the heir to Traditions Inc." replied Fernando. Victor's father had passed away after an electrical storm caused the surge in electricity that rushed through Victor's father's contraption.
       "Take the position little boy. Take it and die. Your desire of financial success will be your downfall. The curse I've placed on you will make me, the most deserving person, the owner of Traditions Inc." murmured Fernando to himself. "Your father and grandfather never respected you. They disregarded your well-being and only thought of the company. Of money. Why do you want this company so bad?" asked Fernando.
      "Tradition. I won't take the position for the money. I'll do it to further the work of my family. That's what matters in life. Family."
      "Good decision Master."

Theme: Individuals who attempt to further their societal standings though the system of capitalism always end up isolating themselves though their actions.

Techniques -
1) Personification - Characteristics given to Tradition in order to allow the reader to have an image of the concept. Hurston personifies Death and also provides the reader a more vivid description.
2) Motif - Circles illustrate the cycle of death experienced by the Adams family and foreshadows Victor's death if he falls into the cycle. Hurston uses the motif of circles in order to portray the repetition of events in the story.
3) Apostrophe - Fernando speaks to himself in order to provide the reader insight into his inner-thoughts. Hurston uses apostrophe to voice Janie's doubt about Tea Cake in the story.
4) Situational irony - Two members of the Adams family die due to electrocution which is ironic because they discovered breakthroughs in the electrical field. This is similar to Hurston's use of situational irony after the malnourished mule dies from overeating.

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