Saturday, February 12, 2011

Journal #5

Journal #5: Post your thesis statement. Be sure it addresses what stylistic choice Hurston made, what the effect of that choice is, and why she would create that effect.

Zora Neal Hurston's plot uses the reoccurring events of Janie's marriages as a method to illustrate how Janie is entrenched within a cycle of oppression and unhappiness. Hurston shows that it is only when Janie breaks the cycle of her marriages that she becomes empowered as a woman.

It's sort of related to a cycle. A circle? Meh.


  1. This is a great thesis. However, I think when Janie is with Tea Cake she is empowered, so her marriage with Tea Cake wasn't as bad as the first two. Maybe you could include this. Otherwise, this looks like a great subject and thesis.

  2. Im gonna agree with Ben on this one. But id also avoid "oppression" and use another word instead because its common and used quite a bit by other people. So try to include a twist on yours that's different than other people's.

  3. Great thesis, you might want to throw in a literary element/technique in there.
