Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Journal #1

Prompt: (Reflective): If you could tell your life story to one person, to whom would it be? Where would you begin (moment that changed your world view)?

If I were to tell my life story to one person, I would tell it to someone that would benefit from hearing it. Realistically, I would tell my life story to one of my younger cousins who have yet to enter high school. I would hope that my experiences and setbacks would provide them some insight into what they should or should not do. However, I would not tell them if they did not want to listen. My story would begin in 8th grade when my family and I took a trip to visit family in Vietnam. I would try to set the background by telling them about how seeing the people living in poverty in Vietnam made me realize that I was taking things for granted. I would follow up by letting them know that my older cousin had also given me advice when I was around their age and how his advice ended up being true.

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