Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Journal #2

Prompt: (Analytic): Pick a passage from your reading (between one paragraph and half a page). Copy the passage onto your blog and make a list of the decisions that Hurston made in writing that passage. What techniques, what patterns, what questions, what tone, what word choice, etc.

It was a spring afternoon in West Florida. Janie had spent most of the day under a blossoming pear tree in the back-yard. She had been spending every minute that she could steal from her chores under that tree for the last three days. That was to say, ever since the first tiny bloom had opened. It had called her to come and gaze on a mystery. From barren brown stems to glistening leaf-buds; from the leaf-buds to snowy virginity of bloom. It stirred her tremendously. How? Why? It was like a flute song forgotten in another existence and remembered again. What? How? Why? This singing she heard that had nothing to do with her ears. The rose of the world was breathing out smell. It followed her through all her waking moments and caressed her in her sleep. It connected itself with other vaguely felt matters that had struck her outside observation and buried themselves in her flesh. Now they emerged and quested about her consciousness.

Zora Neale Hurston's decisions:

 Plot/Plot Structure - motif of remembering vs forgetting
 Plot/Plot Structure - motif of tree, paralleling with Janie
 Plot/Plot Structure - motif of circles
 Plot/Plot Structure - dramatic irony
 Language - involving "spring" and "blooming"  
 Language - varying sentence lengths
 Language - personification
 Language - ambiguity
 Language - verb choice (blossoming, stirred, caressed, connected, struck, buried, emerged, quested) 
 Language - calm rhythm
 Language - senses (hearing/touching/seeing/smelling)
 Setting - time and place
 Setting - soft tone
 Setting - very many figurative words


  1. I like that organized your comments and thoughts in such an organized and classy way. Especially the colors, its SO easy to tell what you were talking about, and you clearly put a ton of thought into what you were saying!

    Your blog is really rockin Anthony!

  2. I agree Anthony! Anthony's blog is really rockin! I like how you split up your analysis into three main parts, it helps focus on your different points!
