Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Journal #3

Lena Mary Calhoun Horne
Lena Mary Calhoun Horne was born on June 30, 1917 in Brooklyn, New York; she died on May 9, 2010 in New York City. Lena Horne played a significant role during the Harlem  Renaissance. As a successful, singer, actress, dancer and civil rights activist, Horne was able to be a role mole for younger black females. After her successful start at the famous Cotton Club at the age of 16, Horne moved to Hollywood in order to pursue a career in acting. She surprised many whites in Hollywood when she refused to play any roles that stereotyped black women. Horne starred in a one woman show, called "Lena Horne: The Lady and Her Music," at the age of 73 before finally ending her career. Horne's achievements helped the Harlem  Renaissance become what it is today.


1) Pronunciation
a) “th” → “da” (think → dink)
b) no “k” sounds in the middle of the word. Ex: (Me like it Me lie it)
c) no “s” sound at the end of the word.  Ex: (She hits him → She hit him)
d) ”v” “b” (violin → biolin)
e) soft “t” sounds. Ex: (better-bedder)
f) "l" and "ll" → "r" (I love you → me rove you)

2) Grammar
a) No prepositions. Ex: (I have worked for a long time. I have a lot of experience → I have work long time. I have lot experience.)
b) Unnecessary "the's" are added into the middle of sentences. Ex: (I eat rice sometimes → I eat the rice sometime)
c) Always speaks in third person (I love you → Me rove you) 

3) Vocabulary
a) Banana - Americanized Asian person.
b) Kongbiet - I don't know.
c) Ghutbai - Of course. 

    "Thank you for coming out to watch the show. Hope to see you back again," called Lena. The crowd roared. Lena Horne was on top of the world.
    "You see dat girl? Me go see her now," bragged Chad to his friend. Chad flashed the bodyguard his backstage pass and waited outside of Lena's door. Minutes passed, but nothing happened. Chad scrapped on the door. "Herro?"
    "Come in," called Lena.
    "My name the Chad. Me lie your show. Me dink dat you the preddy girl the whole world," exclaimed Chad.
    "Why thank you sweet thang. Where are you from?" asked Lena.
    "Me come all de way from far away place New Jersey. Your bodyguard call me 'banana'. Whaddat mean?" asked Chad.
    "New Jersey isn't too far from here. Did you come just to see me? And did Tyson really say that? I don't know what it means but I will talk to him later about it," promised Lena.
    "Girlfriend Nooki take me here. Good she do. Me no want her no more but kongbiet what to do," confessed Chad.
    "I'm sorry what? I couldn't catch the last thing you said, hun," said Lena.
    "Me say kongbiet what to do," repeated Chad.
    "Are you speaking English?" asked Lena.
    "Ghutbai!" exclaimed Chad.
    "Well that was rude. Goodbye to you sir," cried Lena. She closed the door. "And to think, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go out later tonight. Hmph!"
    "Why you go? No help me? Me robe you!" whimpered Chad. His night was over.