Monday, February 28, 2011

Journal #11

Explain how you are tabbing The Stranger, written by Albert Camus.

I decided to be more specific when tabbing this time so I chose
blue for symbols and motifs, specifically those that relate to self-indulgence, i.e. smoking, sex, sleeping. (More will be added to the list as necessary)
green for anything that may signal possible themes, like Meursault's unusual appreciation for the naturalness/physical details. (More themes will be added to the list)
orange for figurative language/syntax/diction, i.e. repeating phrases, parallelism, narrative voice.
pink for characterization, specifically when Meursault feels indifferent towards anything or when he expresses an idea regarding society.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Journal #10

Identify a theme. Be sure your theme is something that you can commit to writing your own vignette around. Make a list of quotes that inform that theme. Be sure to record the page number and take note of any techniques and or elements present within the quote.

Theme: Individuals who attempt to further their societal standings through the system of capitalism always end up isolating themselves though their actions.
   Possible problems:
  1) Is it too broad when I say "their actions"?
  2) Does the theme make sense?
  3) What could I specify?

1) "If you don't want him, you sho oughta. Heah you is wid de onliest organ in town, amongst colored folks, in yo' parlor. Got a house bought and paid for and sixty acres uh land right on de big road and . . . Lawd have mussy! Dat's de very prong all us black women gits hung on" (23).

Nanny wishes for a better life for Janie through a capitalistic viewpoint. The rest of the passage is a juxtaposition of Nanny's hopes and Janie's desires.

2) "One morning soon he called her out of the kitchen to the barn. he had the mule all saddled at the gate.
     'Looka heah, LilBit, help me out some. Cut up dese seed taters fuh me. Ah got tuh go step off a piece.'
     'Where you goin'?'
     'Over tuh Lake City tuh see uh man about uh mule.'
     'Whut you need two mules fuh? lessen you aims to swap off dis one.'
     'Naw, Ah needs two mules dis yeah. Taters is goin' tuh be taters in de fall. Brinin' big prices. Ah aims tuh run two plows and dis man Ah'm talkin' 'bout is got uh mule all gentled up so even uh woman kin handle 'im'" (26-27).

Hurston's use of dialogue ties Logan into the theme of capitalism. He is a prime example of capitalism when he says he is going to invest in another mule in order to make more money. Logan doesn't love Janie and refers to her as LilBit, showing that he only wants her to advance his societal position as a farmer.

3) "Joe Starks was the name, yeah Joe Starks from in and through Georgy. Been workin' for white folks all his life. Saved up some money-round three hundred dollars, yes indeed, right here in his pocket. Dept hearin' 'bout them buildin' a new state down heah in Floridy and sort of wanted to come. But he was makin' money where he was. But when he heard all about 'em makin' a town all outa colored folks, he knows dat was de place where he wanted to be. He had always wanted to be a big voice, but de white folks had all de sayso where he come from and everywhere else, exceptin' dis place dat colored folks was buildin' theirselves. Dat was right too. De man dat built things oughta boss it" (28).

Motif of circles in which Jody repeats the cycle of oppression in order to advance himself in society. He was lorded over by the white folk in his old town so he jumps on the chance to be able to lord over the blacks in the new town.

4) "'You'se always off talkin' and fixin' things, and Ah feels lak Ah'm jus' markin' time. Hope it soon gits over.'
      'Over, Janie? I god, Ah ain't even started good. Ah told you in de very first beginnin' dat Ah aimed tuh be uh big voice. You oughta be glad, 'cause dat makes uh big woman outa you.'
      A feeling of coldness and fear took hold of her. She felt far away from things and lonely.
      Janie soon began to feel the impact of awe and envy against her sensibilities. The wife of the Mayor was not just another woman as she had supposed. She slept with authority and so she was part of it in the town mind. She couldn't get but so close to most of them in spirit." (46)

Hurston uses the pattern of coldness to describe how Jody's new found power begins to isolate himself from Janie. Janie also expresses her thoughts about how she herself begins to feel isolated because of the spillover from Jody's power.

5)"'And now we'll listen tuh uh few words uh encouragement from Mrs. Mayor Starks.'
     The burst of applause was cut short by Joe taking the floor himself.
     'Thank yuh fuh yo' compliments, but mah wife don't know nothin' 'bought no speech-makin'. Ah never married her for nothin' lak dat. She's uh woman and her place is in de home.' [...]
     But anyway, she went down the road behind him that night feeling cold. (43)

Like above, Hurston uses coldness to signify the isolation that Janie feels from Jody. In this passage, Jody takes methods from capitalism and furthers himself through the expense of other characters.

6) "There was something about Joe Starks that cowed the town. It was not because of physical fear. He was no fist fighter. His bulk was not even imposing as men go. Neither was it because he was more literate than the rest. Something else made men give way before him. He had a bow-down command in his face, and every step he took made the thing more tangible.
    Take for instance that new house of his. It had two stories with porches, with banisters and such things. The rest of the town looked like servants' quarters surrounding the "big house." And different from everybody else in the town he put off moving in until it had been painted, in and out. And look at the way he painted it- a gloaty, sparkly white" (47).

Hurston uses imagery to tie Jody's actions to those of a white man. Jody attempts to make himself out to be a very successful guy although he only achieved his success through oppression and the capitalistic system. The way in which Hurston describes the citizens' and Jody's actions show how Jody himself begins to isolate himself once he attains power.

7) She cried often in the weeks that followed. Joe got too weak to look after things and took to his bed. But he relentlessly refused to admit her to his sick room. People came and went in the house. This one and that oene came into her houe with covered plates of brroth and other sick-room dishes without taking the least notice of her as Joe's wife. people who never had known what it was to enter the gate of the Mayor's yard unless it were to do some menial job now paraded in and out as his confidants. They came to the store and ostentatiously looked over whatever she was doing and went back to report to him at the house. Said things like 'Mr. Starks need somebody tuh sorta look out for 'im till he kin git on his feet again and look for hisself' (83).

By now Jody has achieved his societal advancement but when he begins to die, the gap is power he leaves is fought for by the community. Janie, the woman gaining the most power, begins to become isolated by the community. Jody, due to his capitalistic goals, experiences the more extreme type of isolationism, death.

8) "'Honey, since you loose me and gimme privilege tuh tell yuh all about mahself, Ah'll tell yuh. You done married one uh de best gamblers God ever made. Cards or dice either one. Ah can take uh shoe string and win uh tan-yard. Wish yuh could see me rollin'. But dis time it's gointuh be nothin' but tough men's talkin' all kinds uh talk so it ain't no place for you tuh be, but 'twon't be long befo' you see me'" (125).

Tea Cake attempts to win money through gambling. He doesn't attempt to advance himself in society through capitalism, but rather he attempts to raise money for Janie and pleasure. This is different from the selfish goals of Logan/Jody. (is it really?)

9)"' Dat ain't nothin'. You ain't seen de bossman go up, is yuh? Well all right now. man, de money's too good on the muck. It's liable tuh fair off by tuhmorrer. Ah wouldn't leave if Ah wuz you'" (156).

This is when Tea Cakes gives in to capitalism and sets himself up for isolation. He disregards his and Janie's safety in order to economically advance himself. He prioritizes money over safety and for this reason, Hurston shows the reader that Tea Cake's change in mindset causes him to die.

10) "'Ah naw, honey. Ah laks it. It's mo' nicer than settin' round dese quarters all day. Clerkin' in dat store wuz hard, but heah, we ain't got nothin' tuh do but do our work and come home and love'" (133).

Hurston distinguishes Janie from the others because although Janie works, she doesn't do it to advance herself or to make money. She has money saved up in the bank already. Janie works because it allows her to be near nature and the man that she loves which doesn't lead her to the consequences of capitalism. (She ends up alone at the end) :(

Edit: Commented on Anthony Nguyen, Cara Mitchell and Sean Sakaguchi's blogs.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Journal #9

Write a pastiche of Hurston by duplicating a theme that she uses and three stylistic elements. Use these elements with your own characters, setting, and conflict. After you finish your pastiche clarify what theme and techniques you used and how they were used in a way that mirrors Hurston's own use of them.

       Tradition was an interesting concept. That is, if you can call it Tradition. This ambiguous beast had traveled in and out of his thoughts, making him question the real intent of the creature. He hated calling it Tradition, but he knew of nothing else to call it. He fidgeted through the ceremony celebrating the 20th anniversary of his grandfather's death. The priest talked about the boy's grandfather's achievements; he had been the first man to develop a source of never-ending light. The boy had heard this story many times. The only part he listened to was when the priest spoke about how his grandfather had an unfortunate accident while working with electric parts, resulting in death by electrocution. However, even that story was becoming dull. He had more important thoughts racing through his mind.
       "I'm sorry to bother you Master Adams but we need to discuss the future of Traditions Inc.," whispered Fernando, the vice president of Traditions Inc.
       "Fernando, I have just experienced two major losses to my family. Can't this issue just wait for a minute?" asked Victor.
       "I wish we could Master Adams, but with the unfortunate passing of your father and your grandfather, you are the heir to Traditions Inc." replied Fernando. Victor's father had passed away after an electrical storm caused the surge in electricity that rushed through Victor's father's contraption.
       "Take the position little boy. Take it and die. Your desire of financial success will be your downfall. The curse I've placed on you will make me, the most deserving person, the owner of Traditions Inc." murmured Fernando to himself. "Your father and grandfather never respected you. They disregarded your well-being and only thought of the company. Of money. Why do you want this company so bad?" asked Fernando.
      "Tradition. I won't take the position for the money. I'll do it to further the work of my family. That's what matters in life. Family."
      "Good decision Master."

Theme: Individuals who attempt to further their societal standings though the system of capitalism always end up isolating themselves though their actions.

Techniques -
1) Personification - Characteristics given to Tradition in order to allow the reader to have an image of the concept. Hurston personifies Death and also provides the reader a more vivid description.
2) Motif - Circles illustrate the cycle of death experienced by the Adams family and foreshadows Victor's death if he falls into the cycle. Hurston uses the motif of circles in order to portray the repetition of events in the story.
3) Apostrophe - Fernando speaks to himself in order to provide the reader insight into his inner-thoughts. Hurston uses apostrophe to voice Janie's doubt about Tea Cake in the story.
4) Situational irony - Two members of the Adams family die due to electrocution which is ironic because they discovered breakthroughs in the electrical field. This is similar to Hurston's use of situational irony after the malnourished mule dies from overeating.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Journal #8

 Journal #8: Find quotations for three different stylistic attributes of Hurston's writing. Explain the context of the passage (where does it occur in the book, what is happening, who is involved). Identify and describe the literary technique used in the the passage, and explain how you think it affects the text and how you read it

"So he didn't come that night and she laid in bed and pretended to think scornfully of him.  'Bet he's hangin' round some jook or 'nother.  Glad Ah treated him cold.  Whut do Ah want wid some trashy nigger out de streets?  Bet he's livin' wid some woman or 'nother and takin' me for uh fool.  Glad Ah caught myself in time.'  She tried to console herself that way." (106) In this passage Janie is already in the midst of some sort of relationship with Tea Cake. She begins to develop feelings for Tea Cake but she first experiences the "fiend from hell" (108) known as Doubt. The passage takes place at night while Janie talks to herself; she tries to convince herself that Tea Cake isn't as worth it as he seems. This literary technique, known as apostrophe, provides insight into Janie's thoughts and feelings through dialogue involving only herself. This technique is more effective than normal narration because the reader feels more connected to Janie because they learn her inner-thoughts.

"It was so crazy digging worms by lamp light and setting out for Lake Sabelia after midnight that she felt like a child breaking rules. That's what made Janie like it. They caught two or three and got home just before day. Then she had to smuggle Tea Cake out by the back gate and that made it seem like some great secret she was keeping from the town" (102). In this passage Tea Cake convinces Janie that the moon (nature) is so nice that they should spend the night enjoying it. Tea Cake and Janie go out to catch fish and return by day break. The literary technique that Hurston uses in this passage is the motif of gates. The motif is very effective at this part of the book because Janie had never let anyone past the gate before. She kissed Johnny Taylor over her gate and prevented Logan and Jody from even getting past the symbolic gate. The fact that she allowed Tea Cake into the gate shows the reader that Janie is opening up to Tea Cake and that he is different from the other males in her life.

"Tea Cake and Janie gone hunting. Tea Cake and Janie gone fishing. Tea Cake and Janie gone to Orlando to the movies. Tea Cake and Janie gone to a dance. Tea Cake making flower beds in Janie's yard and seeding the garden for her. Chopping down that tree she never did like by the dining room window. All those signs of possession" (110). This passage is neat for a couple of reasons. The passage is written at the beginning of chapter 12 and is told by a narrator. However, Hurston uses a couple of literary techniques here. She uses ambiguity as well as simple sentences. The ambiguity takes effect because the reader doesn't know who is voicing their opinions. From context it seems like the community is criticizing Janie but Janie is the person narrating the story which makes it odd. This is important because Hurston also does not clarify who possesses who. Hurston's ambiguity leaves the reader wanting more and it also invokes questions from the reader. As for the simple sentences, Hurston uses mainly simple sentences in the passage in order to clearly and effectively communicate her ideas. I think she uses simple sentences in order to emphasize the importance of what she is saying.

Death and simple sentences.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Journal # 7

Journal #7: Create a pastiche, matching Hurston' style and themes as closely as possible.

Ultimately James began to think of Puberty. Puberty, that relentless beast with the blood red eyes who lives within each individual. The reserved one who lives in the open, waiting for its unexpected victims. What need has Puberty for a disguise and what resistance can face it? It overlooks the world, invisible to all. Crouches intently and motionless for years by the tree with its claws drawn back, waiting for a signal to pounce. Been crouching before there was a when, only staying with each victim briefly. He was likely going to have to find some oil for the squeaky door. He was reluctant yet excited. Unfortunate Chris! He should not be the only one to experience this! He had a plethora of options to help the youngin', but he refused. They told him it was a cycle, repetition, but they had forgotten how it felt. It would be okay once he oiled the squeaky door. That's all that was broken. That's all that was necessary. But the tree outside begged for water. Even if he had, time had turned their backs on them. It had changed the landscape for the rest of eternity. It just crouched by the tree and waited. Water, the patient instigator, had escaped once again.

To match Hurston's writing style, I used (besides the same sentence structure) personification, ambiguity and varied my choice of verbs and nouns. I attempted to hit on the motifs of trees and circles.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Journal #6

Journal #6: Read closely Janie's description of Death in chapter 8. Make a list of the stylistic choices Hurston makes in the passage that begins "Death, that strange bird with the huge square toes..." and ends with "Rumor, that wingless bird..." Along with listing the decisions Hurston makes in this passage, identify the effect of each of each of these decisions. You can do this in list form: technique/stylistic choice, effect, technique, effect, etc

Technique #1: Hurston re-uses the pattern of "high elevation" while describing Death.
   Effect - She illustrates Death's superiority over Jody because although Jody's high house overlooked the town, Death's high house overlooked the world.

Technique #2: Hurston references the motif of nature and how nature does not have an effect on Death.
   Effect - Nature, which is a parallel to/symbolizes Janie, is powerless to prevent Jody's death.

Technique #3: Hurston refers to Death as a "him".
   Effect - Janie still maintains her views that women are inferior to males. Larger figures like the sun and Death are considered masculine and show Janie's powerlessness.

Technique #4: Hurston alludes to page 62 where the buzzards wait in the tree for the mule ceremony to be over.
   Effect - Establishes another connection between humans and animals/insects. The buzzards, just like the citizens of the town, wait for a larger, more important figure to act before they themselves take action.

Technique #5: Hurston foreshadows Jody's death through the citizens' actions.
   Effect - As they gain the nerve to approach the Starks' house, a feat that they never would have done, Hurston shows that Jody's control over the citizens, as well as Janie, is weakening.

Technique #6: Hurston contradicts herself when she says a feather from his wings would lay in Janie's yard and then she says that "Rumor, that wingless bird, had shadowed over the town.
   Effect - It is a possibility that Hurston is making a distinction between the two "birds" she is talking about. Maybe it's only one bird. However, it raises the question of what Hurston really meant.

Technique #7: Hurston gives Death human characteristics and personifies him.
   Effect - Death becomes a tangible idea which the reader can picture. Hurston invokes different reactions from the reader by giving Death human characteristics as well as considering him a godlike figure.

Technique #8: Hurston is very ambiguous with her language in the passage.
   Effect - Her ambiguity leaves the reader wanting more clarification, more specificity.

Technique #9: Hurston chooses to write in a righteous tone in the first half of the passage.
   Effect - Provides insight from the narrator/Janie's point of view that Jody is receiving judgment for his past actions toward Janie.

Technique #10: Hurston decides to have Janie send Sam in to visit Jody and not have Janie visit Jody herself.
   Effects - Shows the internal conflict Janie is struggling with regarding her anger and pity towards Jody.

Commented on Anthony Nguyen, Sean Sakaguchi and Megan Davis's blog.

Journal #5

Journal #5: Post your thesis statement. Be sure it addresses what stylistic choice Hurston made, what the effect of that choice is, and why she would create that effect.

Zora Neal Hurston's plot uses the reoccurring events of Janie's marriages as a method to illustrate how Janie is entrenched within a cycle of oppression and unhappiness. Hurston shows that it is only when Janie breaks the cycle of her marriages that she becomes empowered as a woman.

It's sort of related to a cycle. A circle? Meh.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Journal #4

Don't retire so soon Mr. Sloan
Prompt: Identify three patterns that appear in these chapters (but may extend through the entire book) and record the examples for each (include page numbers).

    The first thing I noticed that MIGHT be a pattern is the appearance of the mule and the parallels it shares with Janie/women in general.
        Example 1: The pattern first shows itself on page 14, as Nanny speaks to Janie: "De nigger women is de mule uh de world so fur as Ah can see. Ah been prayin' fuh it tuh be different wid you."
        Example 2: Janie sees the mule being abused by the men and disapproves on page 56.
"Everybody was having fun at the mule-baiting. All but Janie. She snatched her head away from the spectacle and began muttering to herself. 'They oughta be shamed uh theyselves! Teasin' dat poor brute beast lak they is!'" (56).
        Example 3: Jody sees how Janie relates to the mule and crushes her buying the mule from Matt. He kills two bird with one stone by showing his wealth as well as symbolically "buying" the mule and therefore Janie. (although I think that was analysis. :( )
"Freein' dat mule makes uh mighty big man outa you. Something like George Washington and Lincoln. [...] You got uh town so you freed uh mule. You have tuh have power tuh free things and dat makes you lak uh king uh something" (58).

       The second pattern that I noticed is the appearance of Janie's hair in the literature whenever her sexuality/individuality is brought into play.
       Example 1: When the males in the town check Janie out as she returns home on page 2, one of the first things they notice is her hair.
"The men noticed her firm buttocks like she had grape fruits in her hip pockets; the great rope of black hair swinging to her waist and unraveling in the wind like a plume; then her pugnacious breasts trying to bore holes in her shirt" (2).
       Example 2: As Janie realizes that her marriage with Logan is failing on page 26, she first brings up her hair.
"Long before the year was up, Janie noticed that her husband had stopped talking in rhymes to her. He had ceased to wonder at her long black hair and finger it" (26).
       Example 3: When Jody attempts to control Janie, he first targets her hair.
"Her hair was NOT going to show in the store. It didn't seem sensible at all. That was because Joe never told Janie how jealous he was. He never told her how often he had seen the other men figuratively wallowing in it as she went about things in the store" (55).

       A possible third pattern present in the story might be the "coldness" she feels toward her husbands.
       Example 1: When Jody denies Janie the right to give a speech on page 43.
"It must have been the way Joe spoke out without giving her a chance to say anything one way or another that took the bloom off of things. Buy anyway, she went down the road behind him that night feeling cold" (43).
       Example 2: Janie experiences the "coldness" during one of her talks with Jody on page 46.
"'You oughta be glad, 'cause dat makes uh big woman outa you.' A feeling of coldness and fear took hold of her. She felt far away from things and lonely'' (46)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Journal #3

Lena Mary Calhoun Horne
Lena Mary Calhoun Horne was born on June 30, 1917 in Brooklyn, New York; she died on May 9, 2010 in New York City. Lena Horne played a significant role during the Harlem  Renaissance. As a successful, singer, actress, dancer and civil rights activist, Horne was able to be a role mole for younger black females. After her successful start at the famous Cotton Club at the age of 16, Horne moved to Hollywood in order to pursue a career in acting. She surprised many whites in Hollywood when she refused to play any roles that stereotyped black women. Horne starred in a one woman show, called "Lena Horne: The Lady and Her Music," at the age of 73 before finally ending her career. Horne's achievements helped the Harlem  Renaissance become what it is today.


1) Pronunciation
a) “th” → “da” (think → dink)
b) no “k” sounds in the middle of the word. Ex: (Me like it Me lie it)
c) no “s” sound at the end of the word.  Ex: (She hits him → She hit him)
d) ”v” “b” (violin → biolin)
e) soft “t” sounds. Ex: (better-bedder)
f) "l" and "ll" → "r" (I love you → me rove you)

2) Grammar
a) No prepositions. Ex: (I have worked for a long time. I have a lot of experience → I have work long time. I have lot experience.)
b) Unnecessary "the's" are added into the middle of sentences. Ex: (I eat rice sometimes → I eat the rice sometime)
c) Always speaks in third person (I love you → Me rove you) 

3) Vocabulary
a) Banana - Americanized Asian person.
b) Kongbiet - I don't know.
c) Ghutbai - Of course. 

    "Thank you for coming out to watch the show. Hope to see you back again," called Lena. The crowd roared. Lena Horne was on top of the world.
    "You see dat girl? Me go see her now," bragged Chad to his friend. Chad flashed the bodyguard his backstage pass and waited outside of Lena's door. Minutes passed, but nothing happened. Chad scrapped on the door. "Herro?"
    "Come in," called Lena.
    "My name the Chad. Me lie your show. Me dink dat you the preddy girl the whole world," exclaimed Chad.
    "Why thank you sweet thang. Where are you from?" asked Lena.
    "Me come all de way from far away place New Jersey. Your bodyguard call me 'banana'. Whaddat mean?" asked Chad.
    "New Jersey isn't too far from here. Did you come just to see me? And did Tyson really say that? I don't know what it means but I will talk to him later about it," promised Lena.
    "Girlfriend Nooki take me here. Good she do. Me no want her no more but kongbiet what to do," confessed Chad.
    "I'm sorry what? I couldn't catch the last thing you said, hun," said Lena.
    "Me say kongbiet what to do," repeated Chad.
    "Are you speaking English?" asked Lena.
    "Ghutbai!" exclaimed Chad.
    "Well that was rude. Goodbye to you sir," cried Lena. She closed the door. "And to think, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go out later tonight. Hmph!"
    "Why you go? No help me? Me robe you!" whimpered Chad. His night was over.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Journal #2

Prompt: (Analytic): Pick a passage from your reading (between one paragraph and half a page). Copy the passage onto your blog and make a list of the decisions that Hurston made in writing that passage. What techniques, what patterns, what questions, what tone, what word choice, etc.

It was a spring afternoon in West Florida. Janie had spent most of the day under a blossoming pear tree in the back-yard. She had been spending every minute that she could steal from her chores under that tree for the last three days. That was to say, ever since the first tiny bloom had opened. It had called her to come and gaze on a mystery. From barren brown stems to glistening leaf-buds; from the leaf-buds to snowy virginity of bloom. It stirred her tremendously. How? Why? It was like a flute song forgotten in another existence and remembered again. What? How? Why? This singing she heard that had nothing to do with her ears. The rose of the world was breathing out smell. It followed her through all her waking moments and caressed her in her sleep. It connected itself with other vaguely felt matters that had struck her outside observation and buried themselves in her flesh. Now they emerged and quested about her consciousness.

Zora Neale Hurston's decisions:

 Plot/Plot Structure - motif of remembering vs forgetting
 Plot/Plot Structure - motif of tree, paralleling with Janie
 Plot/Plot Structure - motif of circles
 Plot/Plot Structure - dramatic irony
 Language - involving "spring" and "blooming"  
 Language - varying sentence lengths
 Language - personification
 Language - ambiguity
 Language - verb choice (blossoming, stirred, caressed, connected, struck, buried, emerged, quested) 
 Language - calm rhythm
 Language - senses (hearing/touching/seeing/smelling)
 Setting - time and place
 Setting - soft tone
 Setting - very many figurative words

Journal #1

Prompt: (Reflective): If you could tell your life story to one person, to whom would it be? Where would you begin (moment that changed your world view)?

If I were to tell my life story to one person, I would tell it to someone that would benefit from hearing it. Realistically, I would tell my life story to one of my younger cousins who have yet to enter high school. I would hope that my experiences and setbacks would provide them some insight into what they should or should not do. However, I would not tell them if they did not want to listen. My story would begin in 8th grade when my family and I took a trip to visit family in Vietnam. I would try to set the background by telling them about how seeing the people living in poverty in Vietnam made me realize that I was taking things for granted. I would follow up by letting them know that my older cousin had also given me advice when I was around their age and how his advice ended up being true.