Monday, March 14, 2011

Thesis - Final

Albert Camus uses the setting of the beach in The Stranger to represent freedom from societal expectations. Meursault's unorthodox actions at the beach illustrate how individuals require a catalyst in order to transcend societal norms.

In Albert Camus' The Stranger, the soothing setting of the beach, a location where Meursault feels safe from society's judgment*, is used to symbolize freedom from societal expectations. Meursault's unorthodox actions at the beach illustrate how individuals require a catalyst in order to transcend societal norms.

* replaceable with - Meursault's escape from societal judgment
it's supposed to be an interrupting clause but it seems to make the thesis more confusing.

In Albert Camus' The Stranger, the setting of the beach symbolizes a safe haven for Meursault to be free from societal expectations. Meursault's unorthodox actions at the beach illustrate how individuals require a catalyst in order to transcend societal norms.

So I've tried working on the connection between the setting of the beach and its representation of freedom but I'm not exactly sure how to make the leap of faith a lot shorter. I like the last thesis, but I'm not sure if it closes the gap enough. Thoughts?

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