Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Oedipus the King, Journal #3

Prompt: A poem written by one of the characters, or a found poem on a character or the environment.

FML by Oedipus

Is engulfing my life.
My fate, pre-determined,
pre-planned, pre-arranged
by the gods, was inevitable.
This feeling of black in my soul
is everything I deserve.

Unknowingly, unwittingly, I gave in.
Running, running, running,
only to find out that I was running in circles.
Like a bird in a zoo, I believed I could escape.
With such an enormous amount of space, I believed I was gone.
Freedom from fate? More like entering the seventh gate.

Blinded by my arrogance, blinded by my zealousness,
I could not see what was presented before my own eyes.
Like a naive child, I could not put the pieces together in time.
My blindness is my own.

Friends, family, I pushed them away.
Even though I realized today.
King of Corinth, Jocasta, Tiresias and the shepherd,
You were the shining light in my life
Yet I did not embrace you

It let to this


  1. Wow great poem Mr. Quach! You did an excellent job at connecting Oedipus with his complications and his ultimate failure. Also, I thought the motif of "darkness" was great because it set the negative tone which paralleled the corruption of Oedipus. Lastly, creative title. Well done Quach, keep it up!

  2. This was so good Anthony :)
    I really like how you embraced the motifs and symbols in the orginial piece and how the order of the true story translated into you poem like Tate explained about the ultimate failure. Overall i really enjoyed it!
