Thursday, May 26, 2011

Blood Wedding - Journal #1

Prompt: Stylistic techniques (imagery, figurative language, sensory detail)

There's a plethora of stylistic techniques that Lorca uses throughout Blood Wedding. However, in this journal I will be going over the some of the colors that Lorca uses in his play.

Lorca begins the play with the color yellow. The color yellow is used to describe the Bridegroom's "painted room" in Act I.  Lorca associates the Bridegroom with the color yellow throughout Blood Wedding. The color yellow can be concluded as something that symbolizes wealth because gold is tint of yellow. Yellow can also be used to demonstrate class because it is the color of wheat and butter, necessities that demonstrate luxury. *SPOILER ALERT* Yellow also symbolizes the Bridegroom's death because his lips turn yellow when he dies.

Pink is used to describe the Bride and Leonardo. The color pink/red is usually associated with hearts and roses, carrying connotations of a more positive color. The liveliness of the color pink is used to show the passion and vibrant feelings that the two feel for each other. This, however, can also be used to symbolize the blood that the two individuals' relationship eventually bring forth.

As the play progresses, the colors that Lorca uses become darker. The colors also become duller, from yellow through the full spectrum and ultimately back to yellow. It is interesting how one can generally predict the overall feeling and end result of the scene by knowing the color presented in the setting.

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